I'm on vacation looking out over the ocean. The waters are surrounded by beautiful sand.
I took this opportunity to explain to my kids just as God has set boundaries of protection for the land, it's my responsibility as a parent to set boundaries of protection for them until they're old enough to set them. It's natural to have some waves or even hurricanes along the way, but it doesn't mean it can't be repaired, reset and return to journey again together. Find a safe, secure boundary together, then as each of you gain trust, confidence and respect for one another begin pushing the sand out further. This will allow your pool of trust to someday reach sea size. Each year as my children get older I realize the boundaries change yet our journey along the sand is together.
1 comment:
A great word. It is refreshing to hear you talk about something that is so critical in relationships.I have learned,the hard way that it is important to maintain a loving stance and then keep returning to the problem at hand, again and again...exactly what our father does with us when we don't get it the first time.
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