Yesterday I met with the ghost writer to finalize our approach. She had some great points and we finalized the layout of thoughts (wow did I ever have a lot of thoughts).
My passion is to help females, young and old, realize their potential. I can't be a "mother" daily walking with these girls and ladies so to put what has worked for me in book form and workbook is our best bet. Plus we will host Pour conventions/gatherings, taping them to be on podcasts and viewed through our website. Monthly we will host Dr. Juliet Caceres, family and child psychiatrist, who will answer questions. We will have available podcasts/videos to help youth communicate with their parents on hard topics. We hope to have this available in schools next fall. At first, all of this was just going to be for young girls, but through my conversations and interviews I've realized there are some women up in age that still struggle with old "baggage" and self doubt. Many even are passing the "baggage" down to their children who unless travel the path of self discovery realizing their passions, talents, and strengths they will believe in the baggage and make it a permanent part of their life. Therefore our target market is females of all ages, but I think men will benefit from it as well.
The book and series is titled, Pour. What we allow "poured" into our lives we become. We have permission to stop the pouring, preventing it to take home in our mind thus orchestrating our perception of who we are or can become. There are areas of our minds that are unopened with new motivations & opportunities, therefore providing "Wow" and "Ah Ha" moments in our lives. The book will walk you through the process of opening those areas. One of the quotes in the book is: "What is poured into your life or you pour into others WILL someday bear fruit." The "field of bygones" could be portrayed in the book as a "spiritual" walk but will not, although in the appropriate settings it would be great. I've personally traveled to the field of bygones many times. To ensure a healthy life, the field of bygones must be visited frequently, ridding the baggage, struggles, and strongholds in our life that prevent us from success, opportunities and happiness. I portray struggles and hurts in the book as badges. Some choose to wear their struggles and hurts on their sash as a badge of honor as if to say, "Hey, look here, look what I've earned. Yea it was hard....want to hear about it?" Some never want to get rid of their "badge of hurt", and move on. Another part, I ask the readers to stand in the mirror from shoulders up, looking at themselves; see how long you can do that without having a negative thought about yourself? What is the first thought when YOU say your name?
I could go on and on about the writings. I have toiled back and forth on how to write this and finally have come to the conclusion to write what I say to people almost every week. "Ah ha"!