Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Excuse me but "your girls" are showing!

I'm amazed when I watch t.v., especially if my (just turned) 11 year old daughter is sitting with me, to see how "the girls" are exposed on nearly every commercial and show. We were watching Dancing with the Stars last night and my daughter asked, "How does she keep her girls from falling out?" Hmm, I wonder if she uses duct tape to hold those "girls" in place. The only recent show we watched and didn't see "the girls" was, Am I smarter than a fifth grader. Go figure, fifth graders are smarter and know to keep the girls covered up. What possesses a female to show, "the girls"? What goes on in their minds as they're getting ready for their day, pause...look in the mirror and think, "Wow, my girls are looking good." It's inevitable we'll see "the girls" on t.v., but when "the girls" are exposed in person that's quite awkward. While I was picking my daughter up from an event a lady came bebopping towards me. All I could see were her "perky girls". "Julie, Julie", she kept yelling, I wanted to be absorbed like paint on the wall and disappear. As she approached me, my first thought was to yell, "Stop, I think your girls are in a race to the top and I don't want to see which one wins." As the lady and I were finishing our conversation, I looked down at my daughter who had the expression of "good grief what's up with those girls" and we walked away. I knew the question would be asked before we reached the car, "Why do some females show "their girls"? Good question I answered and therefore we ask, "Excuse me, why do you let your girls show?"