It was refreshing to see and meet Alyson Stoner this summer. While my daughter and I were visiting my nephew in Minneapolis, we went to the Great Mall of America. As we walked through the mall we passed a sign announcing, Alyson Stoner would be at Build a Bear from noon until 3pm. It was 11:45! Wow could life be any better? Gracie about jumped out of her skin knowing she could meet Alyson. I'll have to be honest, I didn't know much about Alyson but did recognize her beautiful face. Within minutes Alyson came walking up to the line of girls waiting to meet her. She is tall, thin, sparkling eyes, was dressed in green overall shorts and had a smile that any toothpaste commercial would die for. Immediately I could see her geniune appreciation for all the girls who were there. Her beautiful smile greeted each girl as they stood before her and never faded as she posed with about 400 girls for pictures. Gracie approached the table, conversed with her and then they took a picture together. Gracie's smile matched Alyson's as she walked away with a signed photo in hand.
Since then I have researched her bio's with Gracie and have come to a couple of conclusions. She's a wonderful role model for girls. She empowers and encourages girls and guys to be the best they can be, plus dream and dream big. Don't let others or circumstances stop what God has birthed in your heart. If you have a talent, use it and bless others with it. Be compassionate towards one another. Recently she volunteered to help inner city kids in LA. Alyson is also helping kids get fit with her Wii fit, http://www.getfitwithalyson/ (or visit http://www.alysonstoner.com/ ). Plus check out her movie "Alice upside down". It's real life issues young kids experience and a perfect movie for all ages to watch.
She's the new hero in mine and Gracies heart! She's from the Midwest, has a heart of gold, a geniune down to earth kind of gal you would sit on the back porch and chat with. Most importantly she's a positive inspiration to young girls.
Thanks Alyson! Keep up the great work. We look forward to meeting you again.
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