Monday, May 12, 2008

Little Slugger - One...two...two & half....three

It never ceases to amaze me when I hear a parent yelling to their child over the hoards of people, "one...two...two and a half....don't make me say three....did you hear me....don't make me say three....THREE!" Again, today, I witnessed the wonderful parenting skills of counting to three. Although when the kids reach elementary age they're going to think two and a half...don't make me say three...THREE is part of the numeric system. If you have used this system and it has worked magic for you read no further. However I've only publicly witnessed the unsuccessful counting parents in Wal-mart, Target, busy malls, grocery stores, parking lots, churches, and etc. Today I watched Little slugger as he was off and running, by the time Mom yelled two and half he was around the corner. Then when Mom reached three he had already reached his destination, the toy isle. There he was enjoying his climb upon a scooter. Mom, still at the checkout counter believing the counting system is going to work. Hello Mom, I have news for you, it's not working. All the other people in the checkout line including myself have watched Little Slugger run as fast as his 12 inch long legs can go while big sister is standing there yelling three with Mom. With my arms full of items I watched Mom threaten big sister for all she's worth if she leaves the counter, "Dont YOU leave, I'll be right back. I have to go get Little Slugger". Off she goes dashing to the toy isle and now headed back asking Little Slugger if he heard three. By this time I wanted to interject and say, "The entire store heard THREE! Guess what, one...two...three is not working."

I commend those who have used the numbering system for "child control" and were successful. However for those who use it and it doesn't work, I have a suggestion. Observe the families in public areas who have all their peeps with them and in a controlled fashion. Ask these individuals, what parenting skill are you using? What's your success record with going out in public and not having to raise your voice above the crowd? How many times has Little Slugger ran away from you at the store? How many times have you had to threaten your child in the store? Lastly, ask does you child know how to accurately count one..two..three...four...etc? I would guess these families have discussed positive behavior in public will equate to positive, happy times upon arrival back home.

I know in my household when my children were young and we had an incident in public, the kiddos had a "happy chair" they sat in when we returned home. This happy chair provided great moments for them to think about their choices and how they wouldn't make those same choices again. There also were times we would just leave the store, head home and guess trip to McDonalds or Chuckie Cheese. Yes, I did miss out on some play group times with my friends too but it didn't take too many trips straight home for my Little Slugger and his Little Sister to realize consequences or reward.

I challenge you to take on the Mrs. Doubtfire or Mister Rogers tone of voice and demeanor. Use these words, "Oh Little Slugger, it saddens me that you've decided to run 100 miles an hour away from me. That's so sad because we'll have to skip McDonalds and go straight home. I think you're going to enjoy some time in the happy chair. I bet next time you'll behave like we've discussed and we'll have a wonderful time on our adventure."

An adventure, that is exactly what it is.
Parenting is an adventure.

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